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Respiration biofeedback assisted controlled breathing training to enhance shooting performance
  1. Anuradha S Solanky
  1. Sport Psychologist, Sports Authority of India, New Delhi, Delhi, India


Good breathing patterns are those that meet our needs and provide optimal conditions for health and performance. Only when corrective breathing is restored, performance can be enhanced to optimal levels.

Purpose The present research was carried out to assist a national shooter who reported with hyperventilatory breathing patterns (averaging 22–23 breaths/min).

Methods and materials The shooter (age 26 years) was preparing for an international competition. Breathing patterns were monitored using respiration biofeedback apparatus. Controlled breathing exercises were taught to him.

Results Three weeks of respiration biofeedback training resulted in considerable decrease in respiration rate as well as jerky breathing patterns exhibited earlier. Following the training, he participated in an international competition where he reported that his performance showed considerable improvement.

Conclusions The shooter reported to have been able to recover faster, prevent pre-competition anxiety and regulate concentration levels during competition. Corrective breathing patterns lead to enhanced performance levels.

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