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Seven member societies benefit from BJSM's 16 annual issues: add your society for 2013?
  1. Karim M Khan
  1. Correspondence to Karim Khan, Centre for Hip Health and Mobility and UBC Departments of Family Practice and Kinesiology, 769–2635 Laurel Street, Vancouver, V6H 2K2, Canada; karim.khan{at}

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Given all the sales promotions at this time of the year, I am going to succumb and pimp BJSM. Seven member societies, close to two million page views annually, over 10 000 podcasts listened to. The BJSM video site (free on the home page) links 3000–4000 users daily with physical examination teaching. BJSM is the leading sport and exercise medicine social media site – well over 2100 twitter followers (@BJSM_BMJ) track our blog. Controverial editorials, cutting-edge original papers, all focused on sports and exercise clinicians (GPs, specialists and physiotherapists). Did I mention the seven member societies who get greatly discounted BJSM, will receive 16 BJSM issues in 2012 (because the IOC supports four issues of Injury Prevention and Health Promotion edited by Prof Lars Engebretsen).

This issue

December sees a diverse collection of papers to contrast our regular themed issues. Nutrition complements exercise as medicine, so we have devoted an article in every issue to the science of supplements. Look back at the previous issues to search from A–N. Just enter ‘nutrition supplements’ into our search engine. Concise (each one), correct, comprehensive (in overall scope). See the latest, part 27 on page 1246.

Improving cognitive function may be the greatest contribution of exercise to health. The paper by Marks and colleagues (see page 1208) from UNC at Chapel Hill adds to that body of evidence. BJSM only accepts 10% of submissions but this paper demanded publication. This paper will make ‘cingulum’ trend on twitter – MRI proof of brain differences (albeit cross-sectionally) between fitsos and sedents.

Sports cardiology editor Jon Drezner reports on the use of AEDs in division II and III colleges in the NCAA (on page 1174). At least four people are alive because AEDs were in place. They like the paper and its findings. To hear Jon Drezner discuss the issue of AEDs broadly (not this paper specifically) download his podcast from Jon is also leading an international summit of invited experts to better interpret exercise ECGs in Seattle, Washington in February 2012. BJSM will be there and will report with a special themed issue in 2012.


Speaking of 2012, did I mention that the seven member societies guide an issue, help decide its focus and advise the editors on which accepted papers to include? This ensures BJSM is responsive to its stakeholders. We look forward to themed issues on hamstring injuries, hip/groin and respiratory issues in athletes. Implementation and dissemination remains critical and will be the focus on the next issue. Along with a cover feature on the Central Governor Model of performance.

Enough! The BJSM blog is free and provides thrice-weekly updates, rants and useful links to sports and exercise medicine. Enjoy this issues, enjoy all the free material on the home page (videos, podcasts, blogs). Catch us on your phone or tablet using @BJSM_BMJ. And you can save yourself well over $100 USD if you get your member society to join for you! Oops! I leaked it. Keep that a secret – the saving is massive! Email karim.khan{at} or JOFlaherty{at} for a deal – we are soft touches at this time of the year. All the very best for the Olympic year and set a physical actvitity goal for yourself if you haven't already!1 2 Remember, physical inactivity kills more Americans than smoking, diabetes, and obesity (‘smokadiabesity’) combined.3 4


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  • Competing interests None.

  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.