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Translational research and sport sciences
  1. Giuseppe Lippi
  1. Correspondence to Dr Giuseppe Lippi, Professor Giuseppe Lippi, U.O. Diagnostica Ematochimica, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma, Via Gramsci, 14, 43126 Parma, Italy; glippi{at}

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As a habitual reader and former contributor of the British Journal of Sports Medicine, I am delighted to know that the Editor-in-Chief transitions from Paul McCrory to Karim Khan will not change substantially the essence of this exciting journal. Rephrasing the three foremost tasks of BMJ editors on the type of manuscripts submitted (Is it new? Is it true? Will it change what doctors do?), the new Editor-in-Chief, Karim Khan, stated that the new editorial board ‘will aim to accept and solicit material that is new, true and has the potential to change the things you do.’1 This is reasonable from the Editor's prominent perspective. However, there is something more in science that does not necessarily fulfil any of the three above-mentioned BMJ criteria: basic, experimental research. Translational medicine, which is defined as the translation of basic research into practical clinical applications, has a great potential to develop and deliver new information that may …

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