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An information resource linking performance to prevention of sports injuries – a preliminary inquiry
  1. H Broughton,
  2. S Cromie,
  3. T Trimble
  1. Trinity College, The University of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland


Background A review by Chalmers et al. (2004), rugby coaches have a role in preventing injuries and a perspective by Bahr et al. (2005), understanding the mechanisms of injury in sport identified a number of factors.

Objective To design an information resource for coaching sport.

Design An information resource develops modules of learning, retrospective injury data are reviewed and ethical approval is sought. The inquiry is based on rugby union.

Setting Structured interviews are held with senior level coaches.

Participants Five qualified senior grade coaches in rugby union.

Intervention The coaches remarked that safety is practicable, athlete conditioning beneficial and technique is important. Injury data linked to game events illustrated the relevance of Newtonian Physics.

Results Qualitative data highlights safety as being practicable but game rules had less certainty.

From the injury data the total consults: n=367 (08/09), n=377 (09/10) shoulder 39, 42; 81 due to the tackle (inertia & interaction), low back 104, 41; 145 due to scrum, tackle (interaction), hamstring 38, 42; 80 due to running (inertia) and the ankle 52, 59;111 due to running, tackle (inertia).

Conclusion Safety in coaching sport is practicable, but the game rules need more recognition. Applying Newtonian Physics to injury events enabled an understanding of game actions. Integrating into the modules of learning; the game rules, the applications of Newtonian Physics and attention to safety, injuries can be prevented.

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