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Hamstring strain injuries: are we heading in the right direction?
  1. Jurdan Mendiguchia1,
  2. Eduard Alentorn-Geli2,
  3. Matt Brughelli3
  1. 1Department of Physical Therapy, Zentrum Rehab and Performance Center, Barañain, Navarre, Spain
  2. 2Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Hospital del Mar i l'Esperança, Barcelona, Spain
  3. 3Department of Biomedical Kinesiology, K.U. Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
  1. Correspondence to Jurdan Mendiguchia, Department of Physical Therapy, Zentrum Rehab and Performance Center, Calle B Nave 23, Barañain, Navarre, Spain; jurdan24{at}


Acute hamstring injuries are the most prevalent muscle injuries reported in sport. Despite a thorough and concentrated effort to prevent and rehabilitate hamstring injuries, injury occurrence and re-injury rates have not improved over the last three decades. This failure is most likely due to the following: (1) a lack of studies with high level of evidence into the identification and prevention of hamstring injuries and (2) a reductionist approach of the current literature. The objectives of this article are to review and critique the current literature regarding isolated risk factors, and introduce a new concept for a more comprehensive scientific understanding of how multiple risk factors contribute to hamstring strain injury. The authors hope that this new conceptual model can serve as a foundation for future evidence-based research and aid in the development of new prevention methods to decrease the high incidence of this type of injury.

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