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Zurich 2012: our cohort of ‘concussionologists‘ – conveying consensus
  1. Jonathan Speridon Patricios1,2,
  2. Robert Collins1,2,
  3. Craig Roberts3,4
  1. 1Sports Concussion South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa
  2. 2 The Section of Sports Medicine, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
  3. 3Medical and Scientific Department, South African Rugby Union, Cape Town, South Africa
  4. 4The Discipline of Sports Science, University of Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa
  1. Corresponding to
    Dr Jonathan Speridon Patricios, Sports Concussion South Africa, PO Box 1267, Parklands 2121, Johannesburg, South Africa; jpat{at}

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Dr Mike Evans’ YouTube video ‘Concussions 101’1 plays on many desktops partly as a superb audiovisual aid to patients but mostly as a humbling reminder to us as to how efficiently Evans has conveyed to 50 363 people (so far!) the mantra of concussion care. Similarly, every time we watch a South African rugby match, we are astounded by the efficiency of the Wayne Viljoen managed BokSmart2 initiative that has put a field side concussion card in the pocket of 45 432 coaches and referees at all levels of South African rugby countrywide.

Concussion status quo

For those of us who deal frequently with concussed patients, the series of international conferences,3–5 and the consensus documents and team physician guidelines6 ,7 that have emerged since Vienna 2001, have reassuringly guided us from the somewhat dogmatic neurological grading systems of the past to an evolving framework of consensus protocols that facilitate a more personalised approach to the concussed player based on both subjective feedback and objective clinical and cognitive evaluations. We have become comfortable with the on-field screening questions, field side SCAT2, serial office assessments, balance testing and return-to-play protocols.

Zurich 2012

The Fourth International Conference on Concussion in Sport in Zurich from 1 to 2 November 2012 represents the latest gathering of sports neurology's most distinguished minds to further enhance our ability to more objectively and effectively manage this enigmatic neuropathological process. The concussion-in-sport leadership group continues to engage increasingly widely and harness the resources of key international sports bodies. Challenges posed have been taken up internationally and effectively addressed at …

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  • Contributors JSP, RC and CR all contributed to the content, design, data collection and interpretation of the paper; JSP was primarily responsible for drafting the paper while RC and CR critically reviewed and revised the manuscript in accordance with the ICMJE criteria.

  • Competing interests None.

  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; externally peer reviewed.