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  1. M Molina-Reina1,
  2. M Hontoria-Galán2,
  3. J González-Hernández2,
  4. J González-Badillo3,
  5. P Jiménez-Reyes1
  1. 1Catholic University of San Antonio, Murcia, Spain
  2. 2University of Alfonso X el Sabio, Madrid, Spain
  3. 3Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain


Rhythmic gymnastics (RG) has evolved considerably, characterized, at the present time by the continuous repetition of specific elements (jumps, twists, balance…) and is defined by its high intensity, constant repetition and the capacity of recovery (Douda et al. IJSPP 2008;3:41–54). There is a lack of experimental data on the determinant factors related to performance and the effect of general routines of training in gymnastics. The main aim of this study was to measure the relationship between mechanical, physiological and psychological measures and performance in a specific task in RG. Ten elite gymnasts and ten non-elite took part in this study. A specific test of RG with two minutes of duration was performed. Jumping test values (CMJ and SJ), blood lactate, heart rate and RPE were measured before and after (immediately after finishing, and in the intervals of time 0–1 and 1–3 min). The main result of this study was a highly significant correlation between CMJ and SJ height loss pre-post in a specific test in RG and blood lactate concentration, elite gymnastics (r=0.82–0.87; p<0.01) and non-elite (r=0.97–0.98; p<0.001). One another important finding was a difference in the recovery of jump capacity pattern between elite and non-elite gymnastics (p<0.001), which was higher in elite in the interval time 0-1 post test. The loss of CMJ and SJ height could be considered as an indicator of the level of effort and fatigue because of the high correlation between CMJ and blood lactate and ammonia concentrations (Gorostiaga, et al. JSCR 2010;24:1138–1149; Jiménez-Reyes, et al. MSSE 2012;44(5):582) as previously shown in other tasks of high intensity, and could be useful and applicable to a specific test in RG. This fact would support the utility and validity of using CMJ and SJ to monitor and quantify objectively the level of effort and fatigue during training in RG.

  • Sporting injuries
  • Sporting injuries
  • Sporting injuries
  • Sporting injuries
  • Sporting injuries
  • Sporting injuries
  • Sporting injuries
  • Sporting injuries
  • Sporting injuries
  • Sporting injuries
  • Sporting injuries
  • Sporting injuries
  • Sporting injuries
  • Sporting injuries
  • Sporting injuries
  • Sporting injuries
  • Sporting injuries

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