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Medical management of hamstring muscle injury: strained evidence for platelet rich plasma
  1. Bruce Hamilton
  1. Correspondence to Dr Bruce Hamilton, National Training Centre, AUT-Millenium Institute of Sport and Health, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 0632, New Zealand; bruce.hamilton{at}

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Muscle strain injuries remain one of the most common injuries in sport, with a significant morbidity for elite and non-elite athletes.1 The past 25 years has seen a significant increase in our understanding of the epidemiology and pathophysiology of this injury. While prevention of muscle injuries remains the Holy Grail and is appropriately attracting significant research activity, we are yet to observe a sustained reduction in the incidence of muscle injuries in elite sport.1 Furthermore, despite the high prevalence of muscle injuries, there remains limited research into the best management of muscle strain injuries2; research has typically been limited to low-level studies3 and considered analogous to ‘snake-oil’. Since the 1990s, solutions of concentrated platelets derived from the manipulation of autologous blood, in the form of platelet rich plasma (PRP), have been used to enhance healing of a range of medical conditions.4 PRP is alleged to facilitate muscle healing through the optimised provision of …

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  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.

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