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- Published on: 11 October 2022
- Published on: 11 October 2022
- Published on: 11 October 2022New and old: enjoyment of free airShow More
The German physician Christopher William Hufeland (1762 - 1836) wrote in his famous work 'Art of Prolonging Life' in 1797: "Harmony in the movements is the grand foundation on which health, uniformity of restoration, and the duration of the body, depend; and these certainly cannot take place if we merely sit and think. The propensity to bodily movement is, in man, as great as the propensity to eating and drinking. Let us...
Conflict of Interest:
None declared. - Published on: 11 October 2022Stand up for better research - avoiding cherry picking when reporting resultsShow More
With great interest we read Sj?gren et al.'s contribution that analyzed changes in telomere length in association to the time spent exercising and the time spent sitting in a 6-month randomized controlled trial in 49 older sedentary and overweight men and women. Sj?gren et al. concluded that reduced sitting time was significantly associated with telomere lengthening. These findings are of great potential interest, as hi...
Conflict of Interest:
None declared.