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Ten essential BJSM podcasts that will improve your practice
  1. Ania Tarazi
  1. Correspondence to Ania Tarazi, ania.tarazi{at}

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It's time to extend your sports and exercise medicine (SEM) horizon, enrich your daily practice and enliven your run-commute. Every Tuesday and Friday, #TeamBJSM gives you the chance to hear from your SEM heroes. Now with over 60 000 listens, here are our top 10 podcasts to date:

1. Diagnosing and treating acute hamstring injuries

In BJSM's all-time favourite podcast, Dutch sports physician Robert-Jan de Vos has Guustaaf Reurink explain his 2014 NEJM paper on the role of platelet-rich plasma in acute hamstring injuries ( They also discuss the value of clinical tests and MRI in acute hamstring injuries, and whether they can predict return to play and re-injury.

2. Professor Peter O'Sullivan on Tiger Woods’ back and ‘core strength’

In August 2014, Tiger Woods said that his ‘sacrum went out’ while playing in the US PGA. Professor Peter O'Sullivan (@PeteOSullivanPT), discusses the possible pathology of Tiger Woods’ back pain and shares …

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