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Grieve's Modern Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy (Fourth edition)
  1. Fiona Wilson
  1. Correspondence to Dr Fiona Wilson, Discipline of Physiotherapy, School of Medicine Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland; wilsonf{at}

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Editors: G Jull, A Moore, D Falla, J Lewis, C McCarthy, M Sterling. Publisher: Elsevier, 672 pages. Book ISBN: 9780702051524

Rationale behind the new edition of ‘Grieves’

The age of omnipresent digital media means that publishing a successful textbook is challenging. Apart from the obvious financial outlay, the rapidly evolving area of evidence-based medicine means that by the time most textbooks are published, these are already out of date. It is precisely the volume (and varying quality) of digital information that actually supports the need for a very high-quality text. Evidence needs to be collated and synthesised to be clinically meaningful; this is best done by experts in the field.

Thus, there is a real need for a small number of ‘handbooks’ for those working in sports, musculoskeletal and exercise medicine; a book which is very comprehensive and gathers global experts to both interpret evidence and justify its best use in a practical/clinical way. The new (fourth) edition of ‘Grieve's modern musculoskeletal physiotherapy’ has achieved this with …

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