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Rewire your life: sustaining behavioural change by habit tracking (Mobile App User Guide)
  1. Johann Windt
  1. Correspondence to Johann Windt, Centre for Hip Health and Mobility, 2635 Laurel Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V5Z 1M9; JohannWindt{at}

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Name of the mobile application



Goal setting/productivity.


Requires Android 4.0 and up.


Free for the standard application, with an optional Pro Upgrade (US$4.99).

About the app

Rewire is a simple, free and user friendly goal tracking application.

In the standard application, users can create up to five habits that they want to complete on a regular basis. When a habit/goal is created, they can also select which days of the week they want to perform that behaviour. Once a goal has been created, users can track their success or failure to meet that it on a daily basis, simply selecting ‘done’, ‘fail’, or ‘skip’ each day (figure 1). Rewire then provides users with a graphical representation of adherence over time, motivating users to …

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  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.