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The warm water in Langkawi awaits, but first…
  1. Ebonie Kendra Rio1,
  2. David Opar2
  1. 1 La Trobe Sport and Exercise Medicine Research Centre, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia
  2. 2 Faculty of Health Sciences, Australian Catholic University, Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia
  1. Correspondence to Dr Ebonie Kendra Rio, La Trobe Sport and Exercise Medicine Research Centre, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria 3083, Australia;{at}

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Welcome to another edition of BJSM that is jam-packed cover to cover with something for everyone. Let’s start with a great overview of the work by Fältström, ‘One Anterior Cruciate Ligament injury is enough! Focus on female football players’, as part of the PhD Academy Award series ( see page 1227 ). From there we move (pardon the pun) with the MapMyFitness app user guidelines ( see page 1223 ). Staying in the app world for just a moment, the republished BMJ article by Armstrong highlights considerations around the use of apps in the healthcare system ( see page 1229 ). In an area that is evolving rapidly, efforts to improve the endorsement of apps for healthcare have begun in earnest.

Interested in learning more about calf injury? Want to know who in the team may give you the most trouble this season with a recurrent injury? Don’t miss the systematic review by Green and colleagues ( see page 1187 ). We have another cracking systematic review for you by Hart and colleagues that found one-half of people with knee pain or radiographic osteoarthritis  have patellofemoral involvement ( see page 1193 ).

We know that injuries are detrimental for team and individual athletic success, but what you may not know is that injuries sustained both prior to and during competition may increase risk of failure. Conversely, completion of preseason training without injury potentially has a protective effect against training load errors such as large spikes in training that expose athletes to increased risk of injury during the competition period. Check out the systematic review by Drew et al for more detail, the evidence and critically some practical tips ( see page 1207 ).

The importance of training loads, including the acute and chronic workload time windows, is elegantly discussed in the paper by Carey et al ( see page 1213 ). We won’t spoil the punchline around injury risk in Australian football — you will have to read it! While you are digging into the data, are you looking for the magical p<0.05? If all you want to know is ‘was it significant?’ have a read of the brief editorial on the misinterpretation of the p value ( see page 1176 ).

Finally, Dannaway et al provide a PEDro systematic review update that comprehensively covers aquatic therapy for osteoarthritis in hip and knees ( see page 1225 ). Thirteen randomised controlled trials containing 1190 participants provide evidence to support reductions in pain and disability and improvement in quality of life. While we don’t know the long-term effects, it certainly appears to be a reasonable treatment option or adjunct for people with hip and knee pain. So if your knees or hips ache or you have a passion for sports medicine, you should be booking your flight to Langkawi and packing your swimsuit!

This year’s boutique 2017 ASICS Sports Medicine Australia Conference will be held at The Westin Langkawi—Malaysia, 25–28 October 2017. The speaker list is impressive and includes:

  • Dr Louise Burke, Order of Australia Medal (head of Sports Nutrition at the Australian Institute of Sports since 1990)

  • Dr Jeremy Lewis (born in New Zealand but like all good things from New Zealand, we claim as Australian), a world leader in shoulder pain

  • Professor Patria Hume, who is going to teach us all things sports performance

  • Dr Andy Franklyn-Miller, who has worked as team doctor to British Olympic Rowing, England Rugby, Melbourne Storm Rugby League and the New Zealand Black Ferns

  • Professor Wendy Brown, who is passionate about measuring and influencing physical activity, sedentary behaviours and weight change, and the role of these factors in the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases.

After some final inspiration in career and life? Turn to page… for Evert Verhagen ( see page 1221 ).

‘Follow your heart in your career moves. You can only put in the work if you love what you do.’


  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.

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