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Infographic. Best investments for physical activity
  1. C Schiphorst1,
  2. A Murray1,2,
  3. P Kelly1,
  4. C Oliver1,
  5. F Bull3
  1. 1Physical Activity for Health Research Centre, University of Edinburgh, UK
  2. 2Sport and Exercise, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
  3. 3UWA, School of Population Health, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
  1. Corresponding to
    Chloe Schiphorst, Physical Activity for Health Research Centre, 2.33 St Leonard's Land, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK; s1326469{at}

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Physical inactivity may well be THE fundamental public health challenge of our age. Despite compelling evidence on the health benefits of physical activity (PA),1 the combination of increasing mechanisation, digitisation, motorisation and urbanisation continues to inexorably squeeze essential PA out of our daily lives.

There is a new global target for all countries to reduce inactivity by 10% …

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