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Using technology to measure daily and weekly movement patterns in exercise medicine patients
  1. John W Orchard
  1. Correspondence to Professor John Orchard, School of Public Health, Sports Clinic, University of Sydney, Western Avenue & Physics Road, Sydney 2006, Australia; john.orchard{at}

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One of the perceived benefits of Formula One racing is that improvements in motor vehicle technology and safety can be subsequently enjoyed by regular cars driven by members of the public. Sport and exercise medicine is on the verge of applying a similar paradigm, with important implications for safely getting the population to be more active.

Running workload measurement in elite athletes

BJSM readers appreciate that a ‘hot’ topic is the relationship between workloads and injuries in elite athletes.1–3 Global Positioning System technology has allowed running loads in particular to be measured in training and match situations. The headline finding of recent research is that sudden change (upwards) of workload is much more of a risk for injury than absolute workload itself.4 Having high baseline workload can be protective against injury because it ‘immunises’ against a sudden increase (a ‘spike’) in workload.5 In contrast, excessive ‘rest’ (inactivity) can sometimes be a risk factor for (and therefore even a cause of) injury because it exposes the athlete to a likely workload spike …

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