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Physical activity (PA) promotes good health, and the challenge of physical inactivity is a major global issue.1 PA levels in the UK remain low, with many not achieving the Chief Medical Officer's recommendation of at least 150 min per week of moderate-intensity PA.2
With limited funds and increasing rates of non-communicable disease, the NHS is prioritising more cost-effective preventive approaches.3 PA is preventive and cost-effective. Doctors have an important role in PA promotion as they provide a point of contact for individuals who are healthy, at risk or have diagnosed chronic illnesses. Doctors are also trusted sources of health information.4 ,5 Therefore, training of medical professionals is key to strategies for increasing PA levels.5 ,6 Tomorrow's doctors should be adequately trained to discuss, advise and engage in the topic of PA.
Gap in the Edinburgh Medical School Curriculum
PA promotion and prescription should be a fundamental element for all medical school curricula. Despite this, in 2015, many medical schools including the University of Edinburgh (UoE) Medical School had no PA content on the …
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Contributors PK, SF and CWO formulated the idea. All authors were involved with the drafting, reviewing and finalising of the manuscript.
Competing interests None declared.
Ethics approval Ethics approval was granted by the Moray House School of Education Research Ethics Committee.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.