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Julia Alleyne
  1. Johann Windt
  1. Correspondence to Johann Windt, Experimental Medicine Program, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V5Z 1M9; johannwindt{at}

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Most memorable sporting moment you've witnessed or been a part of?

I served Canada on five Olympic teams but being the Chief Medical Officer for the 2015 Pan American Games in Toronto was my most challenging games. It was the biggest project I have ever undertaken and really the only one where I felt that I was part of creating a sustainable legacy—12 Physical Activity Facilities, 2000 interprofessional Medical/Anti-doping volunteers and the first ever integrated Pan and Parapan Sport Medicine Conference…to name the top three!

Julia Alleyne

Your most valuable contribution to the field?

Making musculoskeletal medicine ‘simple’ by translating it into teachable moments and key messages. I have built many course curricula—classroom, online and blended—all interactive and many in the experiential model. Learners tell me that ‘it finally makes sense’. The true value is that our patients have better outcomes!

One skill that's served you best in your career?

Flexibility! That is, flexible thinking, negotiations, time management and work–life balance. Being flexible just lets you shift gears and makes you a better team player.

What has proven to be a good ‘career move’?

I had been teaching for many years already, but I went …

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