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Simi Move: entry level mobile app to analyse walking and running gait
  1. Boon Kiak Yeo, Sports Podiatrist⇑,
  2. Dinesh Sirisena, Sports and Exercise Medicine Consultant
  1. Sports Medicine Centre, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Yishun, Singapore
  1. Correspondence to Boon Kiak Yeo, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, 90 Yishun Central, Singapore 768828; yeo.boon.kiak{at}

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Sports medicine, gait analysis and sports biomechanics.


iOS 7.0 or later.



About the app

Simi Move is an entry level mobile app that offers a quick and easy way to analyse walking and running gait. The app requires the user to either upload or record a video via the inbuilt software, before analysing the video in slow motion or by individual still frames. Once the frame of interest has been identified, the app allows the user to employ its predefined protocols, such as sagittal and frontal plane analysis, where the anatomical landmarks are identified and prompted (figure 1). Joint angle points can then be positioned to allow angles to be measured. Each protocol allows the markers to be placed across multiple joints in a single frame, thereby enabling several angles to be measured simultaneously. This helps with quick and easy analyses. In addition, …

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  • Twitter Boon Kiak Yeo @boonkiak; Dinesh Sirisena @sports_med_doc

  • Contributors BKY and DS were involved in the preparation and writing of the manuscript.

  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.