Inclusion criteria
Male athletes Age 18–50 years Acute onset of posterior thigh pain when training or competing ≤5 days after injury Clinical diagnosis ≤5 days after injury MRI performed ≤5 days from injury Available for follow-up
Exclusion criteria
Reinjury ≤2 months after RTS2 Chronic hamstring complaints >2 months Grade 3 hamstring tear Contraindications to MRI Already included with prior injury
| Inclusion criteria
Male gender Age 18–50 years Acute onset of posterior thigh pain Presenting and MRI within 5 days from injury MRI confirmed grade 1 or 2 hamstring lesion Able to perform five sessions of physiotherapy a week at our clinic Available for follow-up
Exclusion criteria
Contraindication to MRI Reinjury ≤2 months after RTS2 or chronic hamstring injury >2 months Other concurrent injury inhibiting rehabilitation Unwilling to comply with follow-up Needle phobia Overlying skin infection Diabetes, immune-compromised state Medication with increasing bleeding risk Medical contraindication to injection