Initial examination | Follow-up (day 7) examination |
Injury and patient history | |
Maximum pain at the time of injury | Maximum pain at the time of injury |
Plays volleyball | Plays football |
Past history of hamstring injury in both legs | Number of days to walk pain free |
Athlete's attendance to physiotherapy (per cent of available appointments attended) | Delay to starting physiotherapy |
Physical examination | |
Passive knee extension range with the hip flexed to 90° | Change in strength for the ‘Mid Range’ test during the first 7 days |
Straight leg raise range | Strength of the injured leg at initial examination in the ‘Inner Range’ test |
Presence of pain during the ‘outer range’ strength test | Presence of pain during the ‘outer range’ strength test |
‘Mid range’ strength expressed as a percentage of the uninjured leg | ‘Outer range’ strength expressed as a percentage of the uninjured leg |
Angle of peak torque for knee extension at 60°/s (concentric) | Pain when performing the Single leg bridge test (at day 7) |
Peak torque for knee flexion at 60°/s (concentric) |
Note that while these can be considered the only useful variables of those examined in relation to predicting time to return to play, it is suggested that only the combination of variables depicted in the follow-up examination are clinically useful given the width of the 95% CIs.