Table 1

ACL injury characteristics and return-to-play rates in male professional football players

Total ruptures
 Number of injuries28112140
 Injury rate (95% CI)*0.0138 (0.0095 to 0.0200)0.3096 (0.2573 to 0.3726)0.0586 (0.0497 to 0.0692)
 Non-surgical treatment022
  Return to training11
  Return to match play11
 Ligament reconstruction28110138
  Return to training28106†134
  Return to match play26103129
Partial ruptures
 Number of injuries61117
 Injury rate (95% CI)*0.0025 (0.0011 to 0.0056)0.0304 (0.0168 to 0.0549)0.0071 (0.0044 to 0.0115)
 Non-surgical treatment6915
  Return to training6814
  Return to match play5813
 Ligament reconstruction022
  Return to training22
  Return to match play22
 Number of injuries34123157
 Injury rate (95% CI)*0.0168 (0.0120 to 0.0235)0.3401 (0.2850 to 0.4058)0.0657 (0.0562 to 0.0769)
 Non-surgical treatment61117
  Return to training6915
  Return to match play5914
 Ligament reconstruction28112140
  Return to training28108†136
  Return to match play26105131
  • *Injury rate is expressed as the number of injuries per 1000 h.

  • †Four players still under rehabilitation as at November 2015.