Table 1

Characteristics of studies

StudyGroupnSAge (years)ExercisesFreq (days/week)IntensityDuration (week)
Arabatzi et al34OW*9M20.3SN, HP, PC, C&J, HSQ3/74–6×6RM8
PT9M20.3Jumps, skips, hops, bounds, HSQ3/74–6×6 rep8
CON8M20.3Normal daily activity
Arabatzi and Kellis33OW*9M20.3PC, SN, C&J, HP, HSQ3/74×4–6 rep @ 75–90% 1RM8
TRT9M20.3LP, LC, LE, BP, HSQ3/74×4–6 rep @ 75–90% 1RM8
Channell and Barfield28OW11M15.9PC, PJ+AUX3/7PC (3–5×5–10 rep @ 30–100% 1RM), PJ (3–5×5–10 RM)8
TRT10M15.9SQ, DL+AUX3/7SQ (3–5×5–10 rep @ 30–100% 1RM), DL (3–5×5–10RM)8
CON6M15.9Sports participation8
Hoffman et al35OW10M19.3SN, CL, PJ, SQ, SQJ+VL/AUX4/72–5×3–10RM (OW after week 5)15
TRT10M18.9SQ, DL, BP, SP, LatP, SR, UR+VL/AUX4/73–5×4–10RM15
Moore et al30OW8M/F20.2HC, DL+TRT3/73×6RM11
PT7M/F20.2Jumps, skips, hops, bounds+TRT3/7PT: 1–3×10–15 rep, 1–3×15–30 sec, 1–3×16 m; TRT: 3×6RM11
Scherfenberg and Burns36OW55M/FHC+AUX2/7HC: 6×3–6 rep @ 70–93% 1RM6
TRT58M/FSQ+AUX2/7SQ: 6×3–6 rep @ 70–93% 1RM6
Tricoli et al31OW7M22.0HP, PC, C&J, HSQ3/73–4×4–6RM8
PT8M22.0Jumps, skips, hops, bounds, HSQ3/74–10×4 rep8
CON7M22.0Normal daily activity
  • *=same group of participants.

  • Auxiliary lifts are a single joint exercise targeting a small muscle group (eg, leg extension, bicep curls) compared to a multijoint compound exercise which targets larger muscle groups (eg, squats, lat pulldown).

  • AUX, auxiliary lifts; BP, bench press; C&J, clean and jerk; CL, clean; CON, control; d, days; DL, dead lift; Freq, frequency; HC, hang clean; HP, high pull; HSQ, half squat; LatP, lat pulldown; LC, leg curl; LE, leg extension; LP, leg press; M/F, both males and females; M, males; OW, Olympic weightlifting; PC, power clean; PJ, push jerk; PT, plyometric training; RM, repetition maximum; S, sex; SN, snatch; SP, shoulder press; SQ, squat; SQJ, squat jump; TRT, traditional resistance training; UR, upright row; VL/AUX, variations of previously mentioned lifts and auxiliary lifts; wk, weeks.