Table 1

Categorisation of the specific clinical examination tests (full description of tests can be found in online supplementary appendix 1)

Adductor testsHip flexor testsAbdominal tests
PalpationSpecified for:
Adductor longus
Specified for:
Psoas (suprainguinal)
Iliopsoas (infrainguinal)
Proximal rectus femoris
Proximal sartorius
Specified for:
Rectus abdominis
Superficial inguinal ring
Inguinal canal
ResistanceSqueeze test with 0° hip flexion
Squeeze test with 45° hip and 90° knee flexion
Outer range adduction
Hip flexion in 0° hip flexion
Hip flexion in 90° hip and knee flexion
Hip flexion in the modified Thomas test
Knee extension in the modified Thomas test
Oblique sit-up
Straight sit-up
Hip flexion in the modified Thomas test
StretchPassive adductor stretch FABER testPassive hip extension in the modified Thomas test
Passive hip extension and knee flexion in the modified Thomas test
Passive hip extension in the modified Thomas test