Mental health and illness | Physical activity has an overall positive impact on wellness and mental ill health, but robust, controlled studies with objective measures are required in relation to golf | Weight of evidence low |
Systematic reviews relating to golf and health | To explore cause and effect nature of the relationships described | Scoping review methods cannot answer these specific questions, but have been able to map the evidence landscape and indicate where more focused study is required |
Muscle strengthening/strength and balance/musculoskeletal benefits | Research on the contribution of golf to muscle strengthening/strength and balance, and potential effects in relation to osteoporosis and osteoarthritis could be important to golfers, practitioners and policymakers looking to provide advice to patients and populations | Weight of evidence low/knowledge gap |
Golf carts | Research is needed exploring how health effects/relationships differ between golf played while riding a golf cart and golf played walking the course | Weight of evidence low |
Spectating | Research assessing useful physical activity accrued spectating is required. Opportunities exist to shape health behaviours among spectators on course and in daily life using the experience as a ‘teachable moment’ | Knowledge gap |
Health behaviour change | Research is needed addressing how golfers and potential golfers can be influenced to take part and maintain golfing activity, and investigating and improving knowledge and behaviours related to golf injuries, illnesses and accidents | Weight of evidence low |
Economic effects | Research investigating cost savings to health and other services associated with golf, and opportunities to make golf more accessible and affordable for all will inform policy | Weight of evidence low |
Specific populations | Research addressing associations between golf and health in (1) disabled and (2) older adult populations may highlight specific benefits/disbenefits | Weight of evidence low |