Table 1

Injury rates and 95% CIs by time in season and event type in NCAA men’s and women’s soccer, 2009/2010–2014/2015*

Competition Practice Overall
Number of injuries in sampleRate and 95% CI (per 1000AE)Number of injuries in sampleRate and 95% CI (per 1000AE)Number of injuries in sampleRate and 95% CI (per 1000AE)
Men’s soccer
 Preseason2520.19 (12.28 to 28.11)3898.57 (7.72 to 9.42)4148.88 (8.02 to 9.73)
 Regular season64517.24 (15.91 to 18.57)3894.15 (3.74 to 4.56)10347.88 (7.40 to 8.37)
 Postseason5720.28 (15.01 to 25.54)494.10 (2.95 to 5.25)1067.18 (5.81 to 8.55)
 Total72717.53 (16.26 to 18.81)8275.47 (5.10 to 5.85)15548.07 (7.67 to 8.47)
Women’s soccer
 Preseason2624.10 (14.83 to 33.36)64210.10 (9.32 to 10.88)66810.33 (9.55 to 11.11)
 Regular season100516.57 (15.54 to 17.59)4723.65 (3.32 to 3.98)14777.78 (7.38 to 8.17)
 Postseason7923.31 (18.17 to 28.45)474.23 (3.02 to 5.44)1268.70 (7.18 to 10.21)
 Total111017.04 (16.04 to 18.04)11615.69 (5.36 to 6.02)22718.44 (8.09 to 8.79)
  • *Data originate from the Datalys Center for Sports Injury Research and Prevention Injury Surveillance Program, 2009/2010–2014/2015. AE, athlete exposure; NCAA, National Collegiate Athletic Association.