Table 1

Details of included radiography studies

Author, yearAdditional informationSexAgeN (knees)Diagnostic criteriaIsolated PF OA (%)Combined (%)Unclear PF OA (%)Severity
OverallMedialLateralPF + TF OAOverallMedialLateral
Community-based population
Al-Arfaj and Al-Boukai18 2002First two patients visiting a clinical invited everydayF40±15133KL81Definite
Baker et al, 19 2004Randomly from community over the age of 60 yearsF68±61475KL826Definite
Braga24 2009African-Americans (>45 years) recruited by probability samplingF62±11283KL53Definite
Caucasians (>45 years) recruited by probability samplingF62±11799KL42Definite
Cho26 2016Random sample of individuals (>65 years) selected from a longitudinal studyF72±53833022829215Definite
Cicuttini28 1997Unrelated women selected from a group participating in twin study of OAF59±7325Burnett, 1994
(JSN and osteophyte)
Gross39 2012Offspring (and their spouses) of participants from original Framingham Heart Study and population-based sample of Framingham communityFM63±9985 (1159)OARSI8Definite
Hunter Zhang46 2007Random sample from Health ABC studyFM74±3595OARSI49Mild
Lanyon54 1998Random sampling, stratified by age from the lists of two general practitionerFM62
Szoeke75 2006Postmenopausal women selected from another population-based studyF60±3224OARSI22Mild
Tangtrakulwanich76 2012Individuals (>40 years) without rheumatic diseases using primary careFM>405760–3 scale38Mild
Healthy individuals
Englund34 2005FM56±2168OARSI9Mild
McAlindon60 1992M>55785Mild
Naredo63 2005FM68±810KL70Mild
Spector72 1996F54±6215KL28Mild
Knee pain or symptomatic population
Barret21 1990FM78 (51–93)1894 (2197)Alhback18Mild
Bennett22 2007FM54±1339ACR62Mild
Davies32 2002FM>40174 (206)Ahlback913Mild
Duncan2 2006FM66 (50–93)777KL2440Definite
Hinman42 2014FM54±102242531144Definite
Kumm52 20126-year follow-upFM51±6128Line drawing atlas1938Mild
Lacey53 2008F50–64200KL1927Definite
McAlindon60 1992M>5586KL12Mild
McAlindon59 1996FM81±5608Osteophyte/JSN520Definite
Neame64 2004Right kneeFM64±91729 (1718)14Definite
Left kneeFM(1723)14Definite
Sadat Ali69 1996M41±7103 (126)JSN, osteophytes and varus deformity4530Mild
Thorstensson77 200945 (35–54)125JS width <5 mm33Mild
Radiographic knee OA or high risk of knee OA
Eti36 1998Knee OAFM56±11240 (369)Altman34Unclear
Glass38 2014Knee OA or High riskF62±81618 (3236)KL22Definite
Knee OA or High riskM62±81094 (2188)KL18Definite
Huang43 2000Hand, hip or knee OAF64 (29–87)270KL62Definite
Jones48 1993Knee OAFM62 (18–91)30 (60)Osteophyte75Mild
Radiographic and symptomatic OA
Cicuttini27 2002M63±1044Osteophyte and JSN48Definite
F63±1066Osteophyte and JSN38Definite
Cooper30 1994FM>55109Radiograph atlas of knee OA31Mild
Elahi33 2000FM66±11292OARSI11Mild
Ersoz35 2003FM62±920 (40)KL88Mild
Farrokhi37 2013FM65±9167KL80Mild
Hinman41 2002FM68±741ACR81Mild
Hunter Niu45 2005F68±61500KL36Mild
Kerna50 2013FM45±6438Line drawing atlas48Mild
Ledingham55 1993FM65 (34–91)252Modified Thomas 19952464Definite
Messier61 2005FM74±110KL90Mild
Szebenyi74 200666±10167 (334)OARSI65Mild
Van der Esch78 2014FM62±8298Osteophyte86Mild
Post-traumatic population
Ahn17 2012Postoperative ACLRFM29±9117IKDC60Mild
Barenius20 2014ACLR with patellar graftFM39±669KL32Definite
Uninjured contralateralFMKL12Definite
Semitendinosus ACLR graftFM42±765KL36Definite
Barenius20 2014Uninjured contralateralFM42±765KL12Definite
Bourke23 2012Isolated ACL injury with ACLRFM118IKDC12Mild
Cohen29 2007ACLRFM27 (15–46)62Fairbank74Mild
Culvenor31 2014ACLRFM45±1036OARSI2048Mild
Englund34 2005Medial meniscectomyFM54±11250OARSI19Mild
Lateral meniscectomyFM54±1167OARSI27Mild
Hertel40 2005ACLR—patellarFM42 (22–62)67IKDC19Mild
Hulet44 2015Arthroscopic partial lateral meniscectomyFM57±1289IKDC33Mild
Jarvela47 2001ACLR with patellar graftFM31 (15–61)100IKDC47Mild
Keays49 2007ACLR with patellar/semitendinosus and gracilis graftFM27 (18–38)5625Mild
Li56 2011ACLRFM26±10249KL11Mild
Li56 2011Uninjured contralateralFM26±10249KL3Mild
Liden57 2008ACLR with patellar graftFM30 (17–52)72Ahlback and Fairbank14Mild
ACLR with hamstring graftFM29 (15–59)415Mild
Lohmander58 2004ACL injury with surgeryF31 (26–40)41OARSI20Mild
ACL injury without surgeryF31 (26–40)264Mild
Murray62 2012ACLR with patellar graftFM83IKDC76Mild
Uninjured contralateralFM4259Mild
Neuman65 2009ACL injury with meniscal injuryFM43±822OARSI18Mild
ACL injury without meniscal injuryFM43±838OARSI3Mild
Neuman65 2009ACLR with meniscal injuryFM43±811OARSI55Mild
ACLR without meniscal injuryFM43±84OARSI25Mild
Overall (ACL with or with meniscal or reconstruction)FM43±875OARSI9Mild
Oiestad66 2013ACLRFM71±818126Mild
Roth67 1985ACLR (non-augmented)FM38Osteophyte size1340Mild
ACLR (augmented)FM43Osteophyte size414Mild
Sajovic70 2006ACLR with semitendinosus and gracilisFM24 (14–42)28IKDC7Mild
ACLR patellar tendonFM27 (16–46)26IKDC12Mild
Salmon71 2006ACLR—13-year follow-upFM27 (25–28)43IKDC26Mild
Sward73 2013ACL injured (with or without ACLR) with varus alignmentFM42±736OARSI22Mild
ACL injured (with or without ACLR) with valgus/neutralFM39±629OARSI7Mild
Occupation-based population
Kujala51 1995Long distance runnersM60±528KL11Definite
Soccer playersM57±531KL16Definite
Weight liftersM60±529KL28Definite
Rytter68 2009Floor layersM53 (39–68)134Modified Ahlback Scale9Mild
Rytter68 2009Graphic designersM58 (40–70)120Modified Ahlback Scale18Mild
Spector72 1996Ex-athletesF52±681KL42Mild
Tangtrakulwanich76 2006Monk44±18261KL1933Mild
  • Where possible, age is presented as mean±SD or mean (range).

  • Mild severity indicates at least mild OA severity and definite indicates definite OA severity (equivalent to KL≥2).

  • ACLR, ACL reconstruction; ACR, American College Rheumatology; F, female; FM, both female and male; IKDC, International Knee Documentation Committee; JSN, joint space narrowing; M, male; OA, osteoarthritis; OARSI, Osteoarthritis Research Society International; PF OA, patellofemoral osteoarthritis.