Gender |
Male | 54 (32%) | 58 (35%) | 64 (37% | 176 (35%) |
Female | 114 (68%) | 107 (65%) | 107 (63%) | 328 (65%) |
Age at baseline (years) |
18–34 | 22 (13%) | 30 (18%) | 20 (12%) | 72 (14%) |
35–44 | 37 (22%) | 24 (15%) | 29 (17%) | 90 (18%) |
45–54 | 41 (24%) | 47 (28%) | 49 (29%) | 137 (27%) |
55–64 | 41 (24%) | 44 (27%) | 43 (25%) | 128 (25%) |
65 and over | 27 (16%) | 20 (12%) | 30 (18%) | 77 (15%) |
Weekly household income ($A) |
<$1000 | 50 (30%) | 46 (28%) | 44 (26%) | 140 (28%) |
$1000–$1999 | 43 (26%) | 44 (27%) | 59 (35%) | 146 (29%) |
$2000–$5000+ | 52 (31%) | 49 (30%) | 49 (29%) | 150 (30%) |
No response | 23 (14%) | 26 (16%) | 19 (11%) | 68 (13%) |
Country of birth |
Other | 33 (20%) | 31 (19%) | 42 (25%) | 106 (21%) |
Australia | 135 (80%) | 134 (81%) | 129 (75%) | 398 (79%) |
Highest education level |
Higher education | 57 (34%) | 55 (33%) | 59 (35%) | 171 (34%) |
Trade/diploma | 63 (38%) | 61 (37%) | 69 (40%) | 193 (38%) |
School education | 48 (29%) | 49 (30%) | 43 (25%) | 140 (28%) |
Body mass index (BMI) (kg/m2) |
Underweight (<18.50) | 3 (2%) | 3 (2%) | 0 (0%) | 6 (1%) |
Normal weight (18.50–24.99) | 52 (31%) | 28 (17%) | 36 (21%) | 116 (23%) |
Overweight (25.00–29.99) | 60 (36%) | 64 (39%) | 55 (32%) | 179 (36%) |
Obese (≥30.00) | 53 (32%) | 70 (42%) | 80 (47%) | 203 (40%) |
Occupation |
Professional | 54 (32%) | 50 (30%) | 55 (32%) | 159 (32%) |
White collar | 36 (21%) | 37 (22%) | 29 (17%) | 102 (20%) |
Blue collar | 8 (5%) | 8 (5%) | 15 (9%) | 31 (6%) |
Other | 14 (8%) | 20 (12%) | 19 (11%) | 53 (11%) |
No response | 56 (33%) | 50 (30%) | 53 (31%) | 159 (32%) |
Speak language other than English |
Yes | 19 (11%) | 28 (17%) | 28 (16%) | 75 (15%) |
No | 149 (89%) | 137 (83%) | 143 (84%) | 429 (85%) |