Table 2

The percentage rate of HSI based on relative running exposure variables and arbitrary cut-points, using data from 220 elite Australian footballers

Running exposure variable and associated cut-pointNumber of data points < the cut-point% of HSI < the cut-pointNumber of data points ≥ the cut-point% of HSI ≥ the cut-point
Acute:chronic workload for distance covered
Above 10 km/hour
Above 24 km/hour
Relative week-to-week change in distance covered
Above 10 km/hour
Above 24 km/hour
Distance covered above 24 km/hour as a percentage of distance covered above 10 km/hour
  • Acute:chronic workload ratio is the ratio of distance covered in a week (acute workload) compared with the weekly average of the same variable over the preceding 4-week period (chronic workload). Note that the 4-week period over which the chronic workload is calculated is inclusive of the acute workload week. Relative week-to-week change in distance is the ratio of distance covered in a week compared with the previous week. A value >1 indicates an increase from one week to the next, whereas a value <1 indicates a decrease from one week to the next.

  • HSI, hamstring strain injury.