No injury | 1 | No injury, for statistical purposes only |
Exact same injury in terms of body site and nature | 2 | Same type, same side, same body area as a fully recovered index injury, and related to an index injury |
3 | Acute onset exacerbation or reinjury before full recovery, related to an index injury |
4 | Continual or sporadic experiences of pain or other physical discomfort—related to an index injury |
5 | Continual or sporadic experiences of pain or other physical discomfort—not related to an index injury |
6 | Same type and same body area but not related to an index injury |
Injury to same body site but different nature | 7 | Occurrence related to an index injury |
8 | Occurrence not related to an index injury |
Injury to different body part (irrespective of nature) | 9 | Occurrence related to an index injury |
10 | Occurrence not related to an index injury |