Table 1

List of included studies and their characteristics

Author, year, countryStudy designStudy duration (years)Study groups Intervention versus controlParticipants (n)Mean age (years)Men (%)Outcome variablesPrimary outcomeDirectnessStudy limitationsPrecision
Aittasalo et al,17 2006, FinlandRCT2003 (1 year)I=PAP
C2=Usual care
2034724Frequency total PA (IPAQ)
Duration total PA (IPAQ)
Frequency MVPA (IPAQ)
Duration MVPA (IPAQ)
Change in frequency and/or duration of total PA and MVPA
Numbers of issued PAP
Hellgren et al,18 2016, SwedenRCT3 yearsI1=PAP+ pedometer+cost-free glucose monitoring
I2=I1+supervised group sessions (8 for 12 months)+reminder every 3 months
C=Usual care
966342Development of diabetes
Waist circumference
Systolic blood pressure
Diastolic blood pressure
Body weight
PA (four-level scale)
Not defined++/??/−
Hemmingsson et al,19 2009, SwedenRCT2005–2008 (4 years)I=PAP focused on cycling and walking+bicycle+pedometer
C=Group sessions focused on walking+pedometer
120480Cycling (measured in I, self-assessed in C)
Steps (pedometer)
Body weight
Waist circumference
Achieve cycling ≥2 km/day++/??
Kallings et al,20 2009, Sweden*RCT2005–2007 (3 years)I=PAP
C=Written general information
1016843Frequency MVPA (diary)
Duration MVPA (diary)
Steps (pedometer)
Body weight
Waist circumference
Total body fat (BIA)
Systolic blood pressure
Diastolic blood pressure
Reduction in cardiometabolic risk factors and relate to change in PA++/??
Morén et al,21 2016, SwedenRCT2010–2014 (4 years)I=PAP
C=Usual care
887147Duration MVPA (accelerometer)
Steps (accelerometer)
Change in level of PA and physical capacity+??
Olsson et al,22 2015, Sweden*RCT2005–2007 (3 years)I=PAP
C=Written general information on importance of PA
1016843HRQoL (SF-36)Level of PA++/??
Sjögren et al,23 2012, Sweden*RCT2005–2007 (3 years)I=PAP
C=Written general information
736840Duration total PA (diary)
Steps (pedometer)
Level of PA++/??/−
Hendberg et al,24 2014, SwedenCohort2011–2012 (1 year)I=PAP+rehabilitation supported by physiotherapist
C=Rehabilitation with physiotherapist
347947PA (Grimby-Frändin)Confidence in performing daily activities+?/−
Kallings et al,25 2008, SwedenCase series2001–2003I=PAP4815125Adverse eventsLevel of physical activityNANANA
  • *Results from the same RCT.

  • +No serious problems.

  • −Major problems.

  • ?Some problems.

  • BMI, body mass index; C, control; EQ5D-VAS, EuroQoL-5 dimension visual analogue scale; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; HOMA-IR, homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance; HRQoL, health-related quality of life; I, intervention; IPAQ, International Physical Activity Questionnaire; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; MVPA, moderate to vigorous physical activity; NA, not applicable; PA, physical activity; PAP, physical activity on prescription; RCT, randomised controlled trial; SF-36, 36-item Short Form survey; 6-MWT, 6 min walk test.