Table 3

Assessment of methodological quality for each study

Risk of bias domainGabbe et al 16 Brooks et al 33 Arnason et al 34 Soligard et al 35 Engebretsen et al 17 Petersen et al 9 Owen et  al 36 Grooms et al 37 Sebelien et al 38 Seagrave et al 39 Van der Horst et al 10 Silvers-Granelli et al 40 del Ama Espinosa et al 41 Nouni
Garcia et al 42
Random sequence generation (selection bias)+++++++
Allocation concealment (selection bias)+++++++
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias)++++++++++++++
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)+++++++++++++
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)?+
Selective reporting (reporting bias)?
Other bias?
  • Positive signs indicate a high risk of bias, negative signs indicate a low risk of bias  and question marks indicate an unknown risk of bias.