Table 4

Running progressions in male 100 m and 200 m sprinter with 2b biceps femoris injury

Weekly rehabilitation goals
  1. Re-establish foot mechanics

  2. Re-establish lumbo-pelvic control

  3. Avoid muscle inhibition

  1. Increase specific load at lower intensities (60%–70% Max)

  2. Low velocity eccentric load

  1. Increase specific strength endurance of tissue

  2. Increased intensity at shorter distances (70%–80% Max)

  3. Re-establish good running mechanics

  1. Increased running intensity 80%–90% Max

  2. Exposure to bend running

  1. Transition to Max velocity running (>90% Max)

  2. Transition to maximal accelerations from blocks

Progress through stage 1–2 drills
10×50 m @ 10 s
Stage 3 drills
10×50 m @ 8 s
4×100 m @ 16 s
6×80 m @ 10 s pace
4×150 m @ 19 s pace
2×2×150 m @ 17 s pace
4×200 m @ 21–21.5 s pace
50 m, 60 m, 70 m×2 Max accelerations
Blocks to 10 m, 20 m, 30 m×2
2×2×150 m @ 16 s pace
4×200 m @<21 s pace