Table 1

Baseline descriptive of all patients, the exercise group and the control group

Exercise group (n=50)Control group
Age, years, mean (min-max)46.2 (23–69)45.1 (23–68)47.2 (24–69)
Sex, male, n (%)47 (47%)25 (50%)22 (44%)
Radiographic axSpA70 (70%)38 (76%)32 (64%)
Married/cohabitant76 (76%)39 (78%)37 (74%)
In work, n (%)81 (81%)42 (78%)39 (78%)
Current smoking, n (%)12 (12%)5 (10%)7 (14%)
NSAIDs, n (%)71 (71%)38 (76%)33 (66%)
TNF-inhibitor, n (%)44 (44%)23 (46%)21 (42%)
Body composition
Height, cm, mean (SD)172 (11)172 (11)172 (11)
Weight, kg, mean (SD)82.9 (17.9)81.5 (19.4)83.1 (19.5)
Disease characteristics
Disease activity (ASDAS-CRP), mean (SD)2.6 (0.7)2.6 (0.8)2.7 (0.6)
Disease activity (BASDAI), mean (SD)5.1 (1.6)4.9 (1.6)5.3 (1.5)
CRP (mg/L), median (min-max)2 (2–28)2 (2–28)2 (2–13)
ESR (mm/h), median (min-max)8 (1–67)8 (2–67)8 (1–28)
Physical function (BASFI), median (min-max)3.2 (0.2–9.1)2.6 (0.2–6.7)3.0 (0.4–9.1)
Spinal flexibility (BASMI), mean (SD)2.8 (1.3)2.9 (1.3)2.6 (1.3)
  • ASDAS-CRP, C reactive protein based Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score (inactive disease <1.3, low disease activity 1.3–2.1, high disease activity 2.1–3.5 and very high disease activity >3.5); axSpA, axial spondyloarthritis; BASDAI, Bath Ankylosing Disease Activity Index; BASFI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index; BASMI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index (All bath ankylosing spondylitis instruments [0–10, 10=worst]); CRP, C reactive protein; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.