Table 2

Primary outcomes. Effect of high intensity exercises on disease activity. Values are shown as mean with SD unless stated otherwise

Exercise group (n=48)Control group (n=49)Estimated mean group difference (95% CI)*P values
Baseline3 monthsBaseline3 months
Primary outcome
 Disease activity score ASDAS2.6 (0.8)1.9 (0.7)2.7 (0.6)2.6 (0.7)−0.6 (−0.8 to 0.3)<0.001
 Disease activity score BASDAI †4.9 (1.6)3.3 (1.6)5.3 (1.5)4.8 (1.5)−1.2 (−1.8 to 0.7)<0.001
Sub-scores of primary outcomes
 Patient global disease activity†4.7 (2.0)2.9 (2.3)5.3 (2.0)4.9 (2.1)−1.6 (−2.4 to 0.7)<0.001
 BASDAI-neck/back/hip pain †5.7 (1.9)3.8 (2.1)6.1 (1.6)5.6 (2.0)−1.7 (−2.4 to 0.9)<0.001
 BASDAI-peripheral pain †3.8 (2.3)2.7 (2.0)4.5 (2.5)4.1 (2.6)−1.0 (−1.9 to 0.2)0.016
 BASDAI-morning stiffness †5.3 (2.1)3.4 (1.9)5.8 (1.8)5.4 (2.1)−1.7 (−2.4 to 1.0)<0.001
 BASDAI-duration morning stiffness †4.3 (2.5)3.0 (2.4)4.9 (2.5)4.6 (2.7)−1.2 (−1.9 to 0.4)0.003
 BASDAI-fatigue †5.8 (1.8)3.8 (2.1)6.1 (1.9)5.4 (1.9)−1.4 (−2.2 to 0.6)<0.001
 BASDAI-tenderness*†4.4 (2.3)3.1 (2.3)4.7 (2.7)4.1 (2.6)−0.8 (−1.6 to 0.03)0.059
Inflammatory marker
 CRP (mg/L), median (range)2 (1, 28)2 (1, 29)1 (1, 13)2 (1, 14)0.041‡
  • *Analysed with Mann-Whitney U test.

  • †Measured with numeric rating scale (0–10, 10=worst).

  • ‡Estimated mean group difference, analysed with analysis of covariance with adjustments for baseline values and study centre.

  • ASDAS, Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score (higher score=worst); BASDAI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index; CRP, C reactive protein.