B. Non-Randomised controlled trials
CategoryNumber of studiesTotal participants
(intervention group)
Actual (A) or simulated (S) travelAthlete specificMethodological qualityConsistencyDirectnessPrecisionPublication biasTotal
GRADE rating
Exercise 2 40 (34)Poor*/‡Very low
Montaruli, et al 29
Cardinali, et al 30
18 (12)
22 (22)
One study no control group, clinical heterogeneity, methodological heterogeneity(The evidence answers the review question)(Small sample sizes, no effect sizes reported)
Sleep 0
Light 1 22 (22)Poor*/‡Very low
Cardinali, et al 30 AYes10/28Participants males only, multi factorial interventions(The evidence answers the review question)(Small sample sizes, no effect sizes reported)
Nutrition (meal timing/ composition)1 372 (134)PoorVery low
Reynolds and Montgomery37 186×2 (95+39)ANo10/28Participants could choose(The evidence answers the review question)(No effect sizes, changing sample size)
TOTAL 4 434 (190)
  • *Some problems.

  • †No serious problems

  • ‡Major problems

  • §All athlete-specific studies have small sample sizes that may lead to publication bias.

  • GRADE, Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation; non-RCTs, non-randomised control trials; RoB, risk of bias.