Table 3

Hypothetical example showing use of key terms

Study Initiative Function Action Categories Action Type Description
Smith et al., (2017)The “Cycle to Work” projectC. IncentivisationC2. FinancialC2.4 Cash or vouchers for modal shift to cycling or increasing cyclingFinancial incentives in the form of gift vouchers if participants attended a certain number of cycling sessions
A. EducationA1. Increasing knowledge or understanding of benefits of cyclingA1.3 Information on health benefits of PA and cyclingLeaflet with statistics about reduced risk of diabetes in people who cycle
A3. Route planning/personal and individualised travel planningA3.2 Travel mapsProvision of maps showing local cycle route and travel options
G. Environmental restructuring (physical context)G1 Bicycle storageG1.1 Provide bicycle storage facilitiesInstall bicycle racks at entrance to workplace
  • PA, physical activity.