Topic | Additions |
Defining and classifying health problems | Mode of onset. (Wheelchair) Tennis examples are provided. |
Classifying the mechanisms of injury. Tennis-specific examples are provided. | |
Classifying sports injury and illness diagnoses | Common injury types and diagnoses for shoulder injuries are added. |
The severity of health problems | The duration of time loss of health problems sustained during a tournament should be confirmed. |
Capturing and reporting athlete exposure | Exposure in hours should be registered separately for tennis practice, tennis matches, and strength and conditioning. Internal and external load may be monitored using session-Rate of Perceived Exertion. Match exposure should be recorded in terms of the number of matches, sets, games and/or points. Additional measures for tennis load are recommended, including distance covered, changes of direction, acceleration and number and velocity of strokes. |
Expressing risk | For tournaments, the number of injuries per 1000 hours and per 1000 games played should be reported. |
The burden of health problems | No additional recommendations made. |
Study population characteristics | (Wheelchair) Tennis population characteristics of interest are provided. |
Data collection methods | Tennis and wheelchair tennis templates for baseline information, injury and illness registration, and training and match exposure have been developed. |