Table 7

Para sport specific additions concerning data collection methods to the IOC consensus statement

Data collection concernsConsiderations
Data collected during competitions
  • Para athletes often do not have access to a team physician (and physician experience can vary greatly), consider whether data can be reported by other medical staff, coaches or athletes themselves.

  • Consider how diagnosis is made (eg, with objective methods such as imaging).

  • Consider collecting data in several languages.

Data collected during training seasons
  • A global injury/illness reporting app/software that allows each Para sport to record their data are preferable.44

  • Prospective data collection of self-reports can be recommended where athletes do not have access to medical staff.32

Accessibility concerns of impairment groups within the Paralympic movement
Athletes with vision impairment
  • Adapt electronic reporting to different devices and speech synthesisers.

  • Avoid pen and paper.

  • Use large text and consider braille.

  • Avoid pictures and scales.

Athletes with intellectual impairment
  • Use easy and understandable terminology.

  • Provide free text options.

  • Provide visual cues.

Athletes with (severe) physical impairment
  • Avoid pen and paper.

  • Adapt electronic reporting to different devices and assistive writing technology.