Table 3

Injury and exposure data of the included studies

ParticipantsNon-contact injuriesExposure hoursInjuries per 1000 hoursParticipantsNon-contact injuriesExposure hoursInjuries per 1000 hours
Gilchrist et al, 200833*†583236 74016 33670 4400.0578521060 21023 686105 8380.094
Hammes et al, 201543 146342934123841728.150119231864107329377.831
Hasebe et al, 202044 1562NRNR45 3740.0441033NRNR28 9100.104
Owoeye et al, 201445 212747 634338351 0170.1372041657 448359761 0450.262
Silvers-Granelli et al, 201740 675224 9110 93535 2260.0578501030 58813 62444 2120.226
Soligard et al, 200823 10555533 84216 05749 8991.1028375831 08614 34245 4281.277
Steffen et al, 200841 10739345 69220 73166 4231.4009478645 86919 85665 7251.308
van de Hoef et al, 201942 2293522 236966431 9001.0971713015 441627621 7171.381
van der Horst et al, 201560 2921116 498992826 4260.4162872517 65010 07427 7240.902
Waldén et al, 201246247918109 07640 160149 2140.12120852594 65934 402129 6470.194
Total 6900 259 338 943128 432530 091 0.488 6455 286 354 815126 930532 620 0.537
  • *Calculated from ‘athletic exposure’ (one athletic exposure=2 exposure hours).

  • †Total exposure hour includes activities performed outside training/matches; therefore, exposure hours in training and matches will not sum to total exposure hours.

  • ‡Data reported on training and matches hours of exposure do not sum to total exposure hours.

  • NR, not reported.