Table 2

Detailed information regarding athetes with post-COVID-19 with myocardial or pericardial alterations on cardiac MRI

Athlete noSexSymptomsFindings on other examsTime to CMR after positive test results (days)hsTnT recorded prior to CMR (ng/L)CMR findingsPathological alterationCertainty of cardiac involvementClinical outcome (6 months)
  • Chest pain.

  • Fever.

  • Headache.

  • Joint pain.

  • Diarrhoea.

  • Smell and taste disturbance.

Troponin: elevated (hsTnT: 18 ng/L, normal: <14 ng/L)
12-lead ECG: minor repolarisation. alteration
Holter ECG: sinus tachycardia (1 hour)
Echocardiography: slightly dilated RV
Exercise test (4 months after COVID-19 infection): normal
7018LVEF: 52%
GLS: −18%
Septal native T1: normal
Septal native T2: normal
Pathological LGE/pattern: yes—lateral subepicardial
T1 and T2 mapping value in the area corresponding with the LGE: 1016 and 50 ms—mildly elevated
Embedded ImageDefiniteReturned to sport, no persistent cardiac complaints at follow-up
  • Chest pain.

  • Dyspnoea.

  • Fever.

  • Cough.

Troponin: elevated (hs troponin I: 198 ng/L, normal: <45 ng/L)
12-lead ECG: minor repol. alteration
Holter ECG: normal
Echocardiography: normal
Exercise test (3 months after COVID-19 infection): normal
74NALVEF: 58%
GLS: −18%
Septal native T1: elevated
Septal native T2: normal
Pathological LGE/pattern: Yes—lateral subepicardial
T1 and T2 mapping value in the area corresponding with the LGE: 1065 and 53 ms—elevated
Embedded ImageDefiniteReturned to sport, no persistent cardiac complaints at follow-up
  • Chest pain.

  • Dyspnoea.

  • Fatigue.

  • Cough.

Troponin: normal
12-lead ECG: RBBB (previously reported)
Holter ECG: not performed
Echocardiography: normal
Exercise test (5 months after COVID-19 infection): normal
274LVEF: 61%
GLS: −22%
Septal native T1: normal
Septal native T2: normal
Pathological LGE/pattern:
Yes—non-specific inferior and hinge point LGE
T1 and T2 mapping value in the area corresponding with the LGE: 984 and 41 ms—normal
Embedded ImagePossibleReturned to sport, no persistent cardiac complaints at follow-up
4.FemaleLong COVID-19
  • Palpitation.

  • Long-lasting fatigue.

Troponin: normal
12-lead ECG: normal
Holter ECG: normal
Echocardiography: normal
Exercise test (5 months after COVID-19 infection): normal
67<3LVEF: 67%
GLS: −27%
Septal native T1: grey zone normal/elevated
Septal native T2: mildly elevated
Pathological LGE/pattern: no
Embedded ImagePossibleReturned to sport, no persistent cardiac complaints at follow-up
  • Chest pain.

  • Back pain.

  • Smell and taste disturbance.

Troponin: normal
12-lead ECG: PVC
Holter ECG: trigeminy PVC on exertion
Echocardiography: normal
Exercise test (4 months after COVID-19 infection): normal
19<3LVEF: 60%
GLS: −22%
Septal native T1: mildly elevated
Septal native T2: mildly elevated
Pathological LGE/pattern: No
Embedded ImagePossibleReturned to sport, no ongoing cardiac complaints.
  • Fever.

  • Fatigue.

  • Palpitation.

  • Smell and taste disturbance.

Troponin: elevated (hs troponin I: 28 ng/L—normal: <1.9 ng/L)
12-lead normal
Holter ECG: NA
Echocardiography: normal
Exercise test: NA
11<3LVEF: 55%
GLS: −18%
Septal native T1: mildly elevated
Septal native T2: normal
Pathological LGE/pattern: no
Embedded ImagePossibleReturned to sport, no ongoing cardiac complaints
  • Chest pain.

  • Long-lasting fatigue.

Troponin: elevated (hs troponin I: 225 ng/L—normal: <45 ng/L)
12-lead ECG: descending PQ segment depression
Holter ECG: NA
Echocardiography: decreased longitudinal strain, mild anterior and anteroseptal wall motion abnormality
Holter ECG: NA
12010LVEF: 61%
GLS: −20%
Septal native T1: normal
Septal native T2: normal
Pathological LGE/pattern: Yes—pericardial involvement
Embedded ImagePossibleReturned to sport, no ongoing cardiac complaints
  • CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; GLS, global longitudinal strain; hsTnT, high-sensitivity troponin T; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; NA, not applicable; PVC, premature ventricular complex.