Table 1

Group objectives and overview of study stages

Study stage
1. Preparation2. Rapid evidence review3. Steering group meeting4. Delphi
Group objectives Authorship group
  • Establish a collaborative network of stakeholders

  • Consider the scope and context of this consensus statement

  • Understand the perspectives of healthcare professionals and people living with LTCs on the risks of physical activity and relationship with clinical conversations

  • Undertake a rapid review of published literature to establish what is known about the risk of physical activity in people with LTCs

  • Coordinate steering group meeting

  • Recruit delphi panel

  • Develop questionnaire

  • Develop draft statements

  • Lead the evolution of clear statements, through expert consensus, about the medical risks of physical activity for all adults, irrespective of age, living with one or more LTCs

Stakeholder group
  • Agree scope of the consensus project

  • Map cross-sector context

  • Build collaboration

  • Review outputs from the delphi study

  • Establish common terminology and approach to inform subsequent cross-sector work

Patient and public involvement group
  • Share service user’s views and opinions on physical activity service provision and healthcare system delivery

  • Generate ideas on what healthcare might do differently to make it easier for people living with a LTC to be active

Practitioner group
  • Provide an overview of the perception of giving advice around risk from physical activity in clinical practice

  • Outline barriers and facilitators to implementing physical activity recommendations

Steering group
  • Appraise rapid evidence review

  • Contextualise findings related to clinical practice

  • Recommend format of statements

  • Review draft statements for testing in the delphi study

Delphi group
  • Complete all phases of the delphi study required to reach consensus

  • Test and develop the content, structure and format of the statements and supporting evidence

  • LTCs, long-term conditions.