Table 3

Summary recommendations from preparation phase across groups

RecommendationHCP group n=57PPI group n=40NCSEM group n=361
Addressing risk is an essential facilitator for people considering increasing their physical activity levels
Statements supporting risk should be based on symptoms/clinical syndromes rather than LTCs
Cross-sector system support is required to improve the experience of inactive people with LTCs starting to become more physically active
Continuity of advice and simple messages reduce confusion and are therefore empowering for people living with LTCs
Improved resources are required to support HCP knowledge around risk
Improved resources are required to support HCP knowledge around behavioural change
Removal of the need for medical clearance and implied ‘liability’ is required
  • HCP, healthcare professional; LTCs, long-term conditions; NCSEM, National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine; PPI, patient and public involvement.