Table 1

Participant demographic information

Baseline comparison
Age, years (SD)40.3 (12.4)41.0 (12.1)41.2 (12.7)37.8 (12.3)41.1 (12.6) F(3, 329)=1.45, p=0.23
CESD, score (SD)10.3 (5.78)10.4 (5.54)10.8 (6.23)10.4 (5.87)9.41 (5.43) F(3, 330)=0.89, p=0.45
Women, n (%)289 (87)74 (89)71 (87)72 (84)72 (87) X 2 (3, n=334)=1.08, p=0.78
Income, n (%)* X 2 (15, n=334)=18.77, p=0.22
 0–40 00030 (9)4 (5)11 (13)9 (10)6 (7)
 40 001–80 00068 (20)16 (19)12 (15)24 (28)16 (19)
 80 001–120 00066 (20)19 (23)14 (17)14 (16)19 (23)
 120 001–160 00051 (15)11 (13)12 (15)18 (21)10 (12)
 160 000+63 (19)20 (24)14 (17)11 (13)18 (22)
 No response56 (17)13 (16)19 (23)10 (12)14 (17)
Employment status† X 2 (12, n=334)=6.11, p=0.91
 Full time177 (53)50 (60)40 (49)40 (47)47 (57)
 Part time44 (13)10 (12)13 (16)13 (15)8 (10)
 Not working48 (14)9 (11)14 (17)14 (16)11 (13)
 Student45 (13)10 (12)10 (12)14 (16)11 (13)
 Other20 (6)4 (5)5 (6)5 (6)6 (7)
Education‡ X 2 (12, n=334)=12.83, p=0.38
 High school or less22 (7)3 (4)3 (4)10 (12)6 (7)
 College, trade school or certificate52 (16)10 (12)12 (15)15 (17)15 (18)
 Bachelor or equivalent139 (42)37 (45)34 (41)36 (42)32 (39)
 Postgraduate/professional training118 (35)33 (40)31 (38)24 (28)30 (36)
 No response3 (1)0 (0)2 (2)1 (1)0 (0)
Ethnoracial identification§§ X2 (6, n=334)=5.37, p=0.50
 White, n (%)198 (59)50 (60)54 (66)43 (50)51 (61)
 Asian, n (%)87 (26)22 (27)16 (20)28 (33)21 (25)
 Other/multiple selections/did not answer, n (%)49 (15)11 (13)12 (15)15 (17)11 (13)
Marital status¶ X 2 (9, n=334)=6.95, p=0.64
 Married, n (%)187 (56)49 (59)48 (59)43 (50)47 (57)
 Separated/divorced/widowed, n (%)26 (8)7 (8)6 (7)5 (6)8 (10)
 Single, n (%)115 (34)27 (33)25 (30)36 (42)27 (33)
 Other/refused to/did not answer, n (%)6 (2)0 (0)3 (4)2 (2)1 (1)
LCAT X 2 (6, n=334)=10.22, p=0.12
 1, n (%)19 (6)2 (2)4 (5)8 (9)5 (6)
 2, n (%)172 (51)36 (43)49 (60)46 (53)41 (49)
 3, n (%)143 (43)45 (54)29 (35)32 (37)37 (45)
  • Note: data are presented for all participants (all) and separated by randomisation group (waitlist control (WLC); high intensity interval training (HIIT); yoga (yoga); combination (HIIT+yoga)). All group comparisons between continuous variables were complete using one-way analyses of variance; the comparisons between categorical variables were done using χ2 tests.

  • *For details of how the categories were formed, please see online supplemental table S3.

  • †For details of how the categories were formed, please see online supplemental table S4.

  • ‡For details of how the categories were formed, please see online supplemental table S5.

  • §For details of how the categories were formed, please see online supplemental table S6.

  • ¶For details of how the categories were formed, please see online supplemental table S7.

  • CESD, Centre for Epidemiological Studies – Depression Scale; LCAT, Stanford Leisure Time Activity Categorical Item.