Table 3

Descriptive statistics by median Weekly Activate adherence group

Outcome measuresMedian weekly activate Adherence
Low (<1)Medium (1-<3)High (≥3)
Mean Age (Years,±SD)15.1 (±2.0)16.1 (±1.4)15.6 (±2.0)
Total exposureTraining6350272710 964
Mean sessions completed over season (n)Training171629
Median weekly rugby sessions (n)Overall223
Mean session attendance (%, range)Overall78% (10%–100%)73% (33%–100%)94% (68%–100%)
Median weekly Activate AdherenceOverall023
Median rugby sessions to first injury (n, range)Overall10 (1–46)8 (1–17)16 (3–82)
Injury incidence: Injuries per/1000 hours*
(95% CI)
Training1.9 (1.1 to 2.7)0.8 (0.4 to 2.0)0.6 (0.0 to 1.2)
Match31.3 (24.7 to 37.9)28.8 (9.5 to 48.1)21.7 (16.8 to 26.6)
Injury severity: Days lost
(95% CI)
Training27 (15 to 49)66 (21 to 205)40 (19 to 84)
Match31 (23 to 41)37 (24 to 58)30 (23 to 39)
Injury burden: Days lost/1000 hours*
(95% CI)
Training17 (5 to 29)23 (0 to 65)8 (1 to 15)
Match909 (600 to 1173)991 (67 to 1915)569 (384 to 754)
  • *Rate adjusted for playing age group and cluster (team).