Table 7

Checklists after an exercise/training session before the training load (intensity, duration, frequency) can increase in athletes with an acute respiratory infection (ARinf)

Checklist 3: A checklist self-administered by the athlete or administered by the coach/support staff after an exercise/training session before the training load (intensity, duration, frequency) can increase. Generally recommended in cases of mild ARinf or asymptomatic ARinf.
Question 1: Do you have any of the following symptoms during or immediately after my exercise/training session?Chest pain, discomfort or pressure
Excessive shortness of breath or breathlessness
Palpitations, racing heart, irregular heartbeat
Dizziness during exercise
Excessive fatigue or tiredness
A feeling of a higher level of effort for the same past exercise load
Muscle/joint pain
Just ‘not feeling well’ during exercise
Question 2: Do you have any of the following symptoms 24 hours after my exercise/training session?Chest pain, discomfort or pressure
Excessive shortness of breath or breathlessness
Palpitations, racing heart, irregular heartbeat
Persistent dizziness during exercise
Excessive fatigue or tiredness
A feeling of a higher level of effort for the same past exercise load
Muscle/joint pain
Just ‘not feeling well’ after exercise
Very dark brown/red urine
Checklist 3 must be performed after each training/exercise session until full level of training and performance (to pre-infection level) is reached.
The athlete can increase the training load (intensity, duration and frequency) at the next exercise/training session if:
  • no symptoms in the checklist are present (Any ‘No’ to questions 1 and 2)

It is recommended that the athlete consult with a healthcare professional to re-assess the severity of the ARinf, and be fully evaluated if:
  • symptoms in the checklist are present (Any ‘Yes’ to questions 1 and 2)

Checklist 4: A checklist performed by the Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM) clinician before advising an athlete with an ARinf to increase the training load (intensity, duration, frequency)
Question 1: Does the athlete have any of the following symptoms during or immediately after an exercise/training session?Chest pain, discomfort or pressure
Excessive shortness of breath or breathlessness
Palpitations, racing heart, irregular heartbeat
Dizziness during exercise
Excessive fatigue or tiredness
A feeling of a higher level of effort for the same past exercise load
Muscle/joint pain
Just ‘not feeling well’ during exercise
Question 2: Does the athlete have any of the following abnormal clinical signs or abnormal special investigations during or immediately after an exercise/training session?An abnormal cardiovascular response to exercise: heart rate, blood pressure, rating of perceived exertion and rating of perceived breathlessness, heart rate recovery
An abnormal respiratory response to exercise: excessive shortness of breath (very high respiratory rate), excessive cough, wheeze, stridor
An abnormal exercise electrocardiogram (eg, arrythmias, ischaemic changes, other ST or T-wave abnormalities)
An anormal pre-post exercise pulmonary function test (eg, evidence of significant bronchoconstriction)
Any other abnormal responses to exercise (based on other special investigations)
Question 3: Does the athlete have any of the following symptoms 24 hours after an exercise/training session?Chest pain, discomfort or pressure
Excessive shortness of breath or breathlessness
Palpitations, racing heart, irregular heartbeat
Persistent dizziness during exercise
Excessive fatigue or tiredness
A feeling of a higher level of effort for the same past exercise load
Muscle/joint pain
Just ‘not feeling well’ after exercise
Very dark brown/red urine
Question 4: Does the athlete have any of the following abnormal clinical signs or abnormal special investigations 24 hours after an exercise/training session?Abnormalities in special investigations conducted to assess any organ system response 24 hours post exercise (eg, post exercise creatine kinase activity, renal function) (results need to be interpreted on an individual basis)
Outcome of checklist 4:
Checklist 4 must be performed after each training/exercise session until full level of training and performance (to pre-infection level) is reached.
The athlete can be advised to increase the training load (intensity, duration and frequency) at the next exercise/training session if:
  • no symptoms, abnormal clinical signs or abnormal special investigations in the checklist are present (‘No’ to all questions 1-4)

The attending SEM clinician or other qualified health professional can decide on further assessment and treatment of the athlete on an individual basis if:
  • any symptoms, abnormal clinical signs or abnormal special investigations in the checklist are present (Any ‘Yes’ to questions 1-4)