Table 2

Summary of evidence of risk factors for structural knee OA (meta-analysis)

Risk factorFollow-up (years)
participants (n)
Phase of investigation (number of studies)ROB*InconsistencyIndirectnessImprecisionPublication biasUpgrading factorsModified GRADECertainty, direction and magnitude with structural OA
Sex38 74 81 89 112 2–37 (892)Phase I (1)
Phase II (3)
XXX+Very low certainty that male sex may† ↑ OA odds up to 1.25 times (95% CI 0.92 to 1.70)
Rehabilitation44 61 64 71 83 87 5–37 (588)Phase I (4)
Phase II (2)
XXXXX+Very low certainty of no difference in the OA odds between ACL tear management with rehabilitation vs ACLRc or delayed ACLRc
ACLRc44 61 71 83 85 87 5–37 (612)Phase I (3)
Phase II (3)
XXXX+Very low certainty of no difference in OA odds between ACL tear management with an ACLRc or not
Age at ACLRc59 69 75 76 81 89 2–23 (1846)Phase I (4)
Phase II (2)
XXXXXX+Very low certainty that each 1 year ↑ in age at ACLR may† ↑ OA odds up to 1.36 times (95% CI 0.95 to 1.96)
BMI at ACLRc75 81 83 84 2–11 (896)Phase I (2)
Phase II (2)
XXXXXXX+Very low certainty of no difference in OA odds based on BMI at ACLR
ACLRc graft source36 38 39 46 53 56 62 66 81 2–17 (1166)Phase I (2)
Phase II (7)
XXXX+Very low certainty of no difference in OA odds between a patellar tendon (autograft) and a semitendinosus tendon (autograft)
ACLRc graft augmentation40 42 43 50 15–25 (297)Phase I (1)
Phase II (3)
XXXX+Very low certainty that ACL surgery‡ with graft augmentation may† ↓ OA odds 0.51 (0.24 to 1.05) times vs ACL surgery with no augmentation
Cartilage injury at ACLRc29 41 51 70 81 84 2–17 (1693)Phase I (3)
Phase II (4)
XXX+Very low certainty that cartilage injury at ACLRc ↑ OA odds 2.31 times (1.35 to 3.94) compared with either no or less severe injury at ACLRc
ACLRc+partial meniscectomy29 51 75 81 2–17 (2007)Phase I (1)
Phase II (3)
XXXXX+Very low certainty that ACLRc+partial meniscectomy ↑ OA odds 1.87 times (1.45 to 2.42) compared with ACLRc alone
ACLRc+medial meniscectomy38 59 69 84 8–23 (892)Phase I (3)
Phase II (1)
XXX+Very low certainty that ACLRc+medial meniscectomy ↑ OA odds 3.14 times (2.20 to 4.48) compared with ACLRc alone
  • *Assessed with QUIPS.

  • †95% CI include the null value and lower CI limit was ≥0.90 or upper CI limit was ≤1.1.

  • ‡ACL surgery refers to ACL reconstruction or ACL repair.

  • +++, moderate-certainty evidence; +, very low-certainty evidence; ✓, no limitations; ++, low-certainty evidence; ++++, high-certainty evidence; ACL, ACL tear; ACLnoSx, ACL tear with no sx; ACLRc, ACL reconstruction; GRADE, Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation; n, number; OA, osteoarthritis; PFJ, patellofemoral joint; ROB, risk of bias; SR, self-reported; Sx, surgery; TF, tibiofemoral; X, serious limitations; x, times; XX, very serious limitations.