Table 2

Descriptive statistics (numbers (N), mean with SD or percentage (%) and median with IQR) for demographic data of the study sample

Female athletesMale athletesTotal
High joint impactIntermediate joint impactLow joint impactUnclassifiedHigh joint impactIntermediate joint impactLow joint impactUnclassifiedFemaleMale
N athletes65115923935374324450541014021902
Career length, years
Inclusion age*
 N of hips with THA351610316518272492134
 N of athletes with THA27108265415182371110
BMI age 20
  • The athletes are stratified by sex and categorised by high, intermediate, low or unclassified joint impact sport participation.

  • *Age at questionnaire completion, year 2006.

  • BMI, body mass index; THA, total hip arthroplasty.