Progression of exercise | 8 | What is optimum order of progression of exercise? inner to outer? short length to long concentric to eccentric to isometric? open kinetic chain versus closed kinetic chain? knee to hip based? |
Dosage | 5 | What is the optimum dosage of strength exercise? |
Contraction types | 5 | What type of contraction should be emphasised during hamstring injury rehabilitation? |
Running/sprinting | 4 | What is a safe but stimulating dosage of pitch-based running? |
Exercise choice | 4 | what are the optimal exercises for hamstring injury prevention? |
Importance of symptoms | 3 | How effective is early introduction of eccentrics and pain threshold training? |
Safety versus effectiveness balance | 3 | What is a safe but stimulating dosage of strength exercise? |
Tissue healing stage | 2 | What modes of exercise should be carried out at certain healing stages? |
Timing | 2 | When should certain exercise types, isometric, concentric, eccentric, stretch shortening cycle be implemented throughout rehabilitation? |
Insufficient evidence | 2 | Can we get more insights to the specific mechanisms of HSI at a contraction mode, neural and structural level to aid prevention and rehabilitation exercise choices? |
Flexibility | 1 | What are the effects of flexibility exercises? |
Strength | 1 | What types of strength are crucial? |
Which muscles | 1 | How best do we target loading the biceps femoris long or short head and do we need to? |
Functional exercise | 1 | More randomised controlled trials (analogous to those employing the Nordic) exploring the functional effectiveness of different exercises. |
Neural factors | 1 | Which exercises promote optimal hamstring activation? |
Total | 43 | |