Table 5

Round 1 survey: what are the key questions that you would like answered regarding the early phase of rehabilitation after hamstring injury (HSI)?

Domain area (theme)ResponsesTypical responses
Early interventions (STM/neural mobilisation /+adjuncts blood flow restriction/EMS)9Is there a role for adjunct treatment modalities? At what time point are they safe and to what level of intensity?
Progression criteria (including pain)6What outcomes should we be aiming to achieve for criteria-based progression along stages?
Optimum exercise/load types6What are the optimal exercises to use in this phase? How early can we safely prescribe eccentric/long length exercises?
Pain importance5What are the outcomes of pain monitored/threshold approach to rehabilitation?
Modalities for inflammation/healing (RICE, Meds)5Does prolonged use of ice, compression or medication positively or negatively affect hamstring healing rates?
Timescales (start and progress load)4How early can we safely prescribe eccentric/long length exercises?
Flexibility/range of movement3Is there a role for knee flexibility work?
Immobilisation and bracing (optimum, effects)3Does initial immobilisation positively or negatively affect hamstring healing rates?
Neural factors, inhibition and activation3What are the outcomes of return to run process, early versus delayed versus criteria based, versus early introduction of eccentrics—any effect on neuromuscular inhibition?
Optimum dosing (frequency, intensity, duration)2What exercise dosages are optimal for loading early phase after hamstring injury?
Safety of early loading1Does early mobilisation/rehab including stretching and activation of the hamstring speed or limit recovery?
Tissue strain load/exercise1What is the strain placed on muscle/tendon by different rehab exercises?
Weight-bearing1When does initial reduction in weight-bearing help or hinder healing?
Early strength1What are the outcomes of early introduction of eccentric exercises?
  • EMS, electromagnetic stimulation; RICE, rest, ice, compression, elevation; STM, soft tissue massage.