Table 1

Physical aspects descriptors and definitions by locomotor, non-locomotor and jumping and landing subcategories

Walking*Moving at a speed slower than jogging or running, by placing 1 foot in front of the other, never having both feet in the air at the same time
Jogging*Slow running, at a constant pace without sudden acceleration
Running*Moving at a more rapid pace than walking or jogging, with elongated strides and moments in each step where both feet are off the ground
High-speed running†Moving at a more rapid pace than running, but below maximal speed
Sprinting*Running at near-maximal, or maximal speed
AccelerationA visible increase in velocity
Deceleration*A visible decrease in velocity
Shuffling*Repeated stepping and shifting weight to one foot and planting the opposite foot closer to the stepping foot, keeping the feet close to the ground and to each other with minimal displacement of the trunk (eg, backward or lateral shuffling)
Step*Planting the opposite foot from the landing foot, where the landing foot remains in contact with the ground until the moving foot is planted
Step run†A step where the player keeps the momentum of movement in the direction that they were travelling (eg, receiving a pass on the move and releasing the ball before the next foot touches the ground)
Standing*Stationary with no locomotor activity of the lower limbs
Bouncing*Continuous movement on the balls of the feet, simultaneously or alternately, with the feet remaining in contact or close to the ground
Change of direction*Whole body movement with a sudden change in direction of travel
Dodge*Deceptive change(s) in direction
PivotA movement where the player with the ball swivels either on the heel or on the ball of the landing foot while this foot maintains contact with the ground
Twist*A movement where a player rotates the body but the foot (or feet) remains fixed (ie, do not swivel)
Turn in air*Player rotates whole or part of the body while in the air to land facing a different direction
Roll†A movement of rotations where the player turns their back to the opposition player to move in a different direction
Collision†Direct contact by a player on another player, resulting in a visible change in trajectory movement of at least one of the players
Jumping and landing
Jump*A movement of vertical and/or horizontal displacement taking off from both feet
HopA single leg jump where the landing occurs on the same leg used for take-off
LeapA single leg jump where the landing occurs on the opposite leg used for take-off
Double leg land*Landing simultaneously on two feet, at or closer than shoulder width apart, following a jump
Split land*Landing simultaneously on two feet, further than shoulder width apart, following a jump
Single leg land*Landing on one foot following a jump
Supplementary terms—direction of movement
(Can be used in addition to physical descriptors)
Forwards/backwardsMovement in an anterior (forwards) or posterior (backwards) direction relative to the player
LateralMovement in a side-to-side (mediolateral) direction relative to the player
RotationMovement about the body’s longitudinal axis, resulting in the player facing a different direction
Vertical*Movement in an upward or downward direction
Diagonal*Movement that occurs across multiple planes of motion (eg, at a 45° angle, forwards/backwards and lateral)
Supplementary terms—intensity of movement
(Can be used in addition to physical descriptors)
Low*Subjective or objective description of the intensity of the movement performed by the player
Medium*Subjective or objective description of the intensity of the movement performed by the player
High*Subjective or objective description of the intensity of the movement performed by the player
  • No * and † indicates the descriptor and definition reached agreement after round 1 of the consensus.

  • *Descriptor and definition reached agreement after round 2 of the consensus.

  • †Descriptor and definition added after round 1, and agreed after round 2, of the consensus.